As this preview of Episode 10 hints at, relationship building is the key to building business at Queen Charlotte Lodge.
Catch all the action Friday at 7pm ET / 4pm PT
QCL guest, Chris Lewis, caught a 84.12 pound salmon to break the previous lodge record!
Part of the reason Paul Clough got involved in the business of running the lodge 11 years ago was his passion for the Haida Gwaii area and its art.
Duane Foerter is the Lodge’s Marketing Manager, but he also serves as an on-water photographer, capturing pictures of guests' fish catches.
Russ, a guest at Queen Charlotte Lodge, shows evidence of his great bartending skills through his preparation.
A sample of QCL managing partner Paul Clough's impressive art collection by local Haida Gwaii artists.
Duane Foerter is the Lodge’s Marketing Manager, but he also serves as an on-water photographer, capturing pictures of guests' fish catches.
Russ, a guest at Queen Charlotte Lodge, shows evidence of his great bartending skills through his preparation.
Keith Burdette's job as a Fish Master is to keep guests safe. In this clip, he explains how before his job existed, a couple of guests were forced to ward off a few hungry bears alone after getting their boat stuck near shore.
One of the most important jobs for Fish Master Keith Burdette is to keep track of the weather. Here he explains why this is so crucial for himself and the guests.
Sparky is QCL's handyman who can fix just about anything. Here he is handling a delicate operation: carrying an inflated boat with a forklift.
The harder a guide works, the more fish tend to be caught. Here's some footage of the kind of work that gets done on the boat.
Steve, QCL's First Mate/Engineer on the Driftwood, plays a practical joke on guide Matt Burr. The full gag couldn't be shown on tv, but here is the web exclusive in its entirety.
Even though the fishing gets slow, guide Matt Burr and dentists Ron and Mike find a way to keep the laughs and fun flowing.
As this preview of Episode 10 hints at, relationship building is the key to building business at Queen Charlotte Lodge.
QCL workers let loose at T. and A.’s, a staff bar that can bring out the party animal in everyone. None more than chef Mark Ota, who's ready to party on the one night he's allowed to a week.
The Cook Shack is the staff cafeteria, a place for some pretty interesting conversation.
Totem Chef Mark Ota tries to teach some fellow staff members how to make sushi, but it turns out not to be as easy as it looks.
Guide Matt Burr is in a pickle with two wise-cracking dentists on a slow fishing day. Meanwhile, the all-important Fish Master boat is in need of emergency repair.
The sea decides to send some big waves Kirt's way on his first day back on the water after being sidelined with an injury.
Some of the QCL staff take a break from work and have a little fun with some water balloons.
A dead sea lion shows up on the QCL fishing grounds, but lodge staff are not sure where it came from or how it died.
Kirt explains to Julie and Danielle why guides prefer taking out ladies over men on fishing trips.
When a member of the kitchen staff shows up in no condition to work, Lodge House Manager Kristine Newman makes a tough decision. Meanwhile Totem chef Mark Ota must prepare for "Sushi Day."
Little Jordan Clough, under 10 years of age, shows off the technique he learned from his Dad that got him a 50-pound salmon.
Ryan "Long Jaw" Ashton talks more about his lucky fish as well as fishing in the off-season.
From non-paying guest to QCL's Dock Manager, Ryan "Long Jaw" Ashton has quite the story to tell.
When at a lodge, you got to find some time to eat some lunch, it can't be about fishing all the time! In this video, Fish Master Keith Burdette comes to the rescue with lunch for the Clough family.
Boating sure can be fun, but as this preview of episode 7 shows, it can also be dangerous. Will housekeeper Julie Crawford's notorious boat driving skills finally catch up with her during a fun day of fishing?
It's a friendly competition between two fishing families in this preview of Episode 6 of The Lodge.
12lb 30 in
Boys from work doing some fishing, having fun and taking in the scenery.
Lake Seminole, Bainbridge,GA May 8-2013
random fising fun
Pics of fish that I have caught recently
Nabbed this little girl using a split shot rig with a 4" worm and 6lb. line
North Sterling Reservoir, Logan County CO
24 inch wiper caught on 4 pound line down on Pueblo Reservoir, Colorado.
Album of my girlfriends first catches ever
steelhead pictures
Took some shots while out cod fishing at Salton's brook. Lucky for me a couple eagles got close enough for a visit and the fish were thick as always.
Late Spring Red Drum
Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass
Striped Bass
Flathead Catfish
Recent fish pics
7lb largemouth
First fishing day 2013
Pictures from our May 9, 2013 Fishing trip to the Chesapeake Bay
Perch Fishing With ReelBait, XZone And Salmo
fishing 2013 started at perch festival time
2nd year to fishing
During the post spawn we were able to have many productive days in both deep and shallow waters using a split shot rig with 4" plastics